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Access Web

Simplify Media and Data Management.

Access Web makes data exchange and on-board content updates easy. A web-based, modular, multi-client, content management system, Access Web allows for remote updates of videos, layouts, playlists, route information, instant messages, news tickers, text and voice announcements – delivering these updates directly from the back office.

Firmware updates are also easily administered with statistics and diagnostic feedback as well as device-specific error codes and system status information (e.g., hardware and software versions) reported back to the office. This enables remote maintenance and reduces manual labor and on-board fixes.

Access Web grows with your system - new devices and functions, such as passenger counting can be easily integrated at any time. A future-proof IT solution, Access Web helps you meet the challenges of digitization and provides your passengers with all the information they need - in real time.



User-Friendly Infotainment Management

Media is used to easily configure and publish content of on-board TFT displays. A web-based content management system, with Media you can create playlists for images and videos as well and integrate additional content, such as the local  weather or news feeds. 

Based on various preferences, such as location, destination, route, specific stops, the time of day, weekly data or vehicle speed, it is possible to specify when and where the media will be played.  

Media also provides reporting and monitoring of the frequency of the media content played to generate statistics for media planners and marketing service providers.



Configure and Perform Diagnostics

Fleet delivers an efficient method to organize the software and data exchange between your fleet's equipment and your databases via the Internet. Configure and update in real-time - lines, routes and destinations or other text modules as well as language files. 

Diagnostics and monitoring are easy to perform. You can monitor the operating status of each device in the fleet, in real-time. Fault messages are received via the web interface and, if necessary, can be forwarded directly to maintenance personnel by email.  

Fleet is a proactive diagnostic and repair planning tool for advanced, software-based, up-time management, protecting your equipment and vehicles from unnecessary maintenance and downtime.

System requirements
AccessWeb is webbased and therefore platform independent.

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